Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Let it Snow!!!

Hello from Mosquito Beachwear,

As predicted, we in Denver are getting our first BIG snow!  Absolutely Beautiful!  Our trees and bushes are saying "Ouch!  You're too heavy!"  I rushed outside our front door with my camera a second too late and missed a mama deer and her two babies, darn!  Oh well, it's a good day to stay in and get lots accomplished!  I just found this "snow" poem very appropriate for today . . .

Snow, snow, gently drifting to the ground,
For when winter comes, snow will come as well,
Snow is the messenger of winter,
From skiing to toboganning to making snowballs.

Snow, snow gently drifting to the ground,
Falling in the form of unique white snowflakes,
A pure natural blanket,
Sparkling under the sun.

Snow, snow, gently drifting to the ground

Have a Cozy Day!!!

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