Monday, April 11, 2011

Love, Patience & Kindness

Hello from Mosquito Beachwear,

Yesterday I had the most inspiring (FREE) yoga class at Core Power!!! Yes, you read right, something wonderful in today’s world is actually FREE!!! As I was stretching and going through all the different yoga poses, I focused my gaze on all the meaningful words stenciled across the top of the wall: peace, joy, goodness, love, gentleness, kindness . . . These words can truly fill you up and make you feel terrific!
They reminded me of my favorite bible verses: Corinthians 4-13, Love is patient, love is kind . . . We had it read at our wedding 25 years ago. I was so inspired by it that I got out my calligraphy materials and wrote it out on beautiful parchment paper and framed and hung it majestically in my house. Along with the many arts & crafts I love, Calligraphy is a favorite of mine and I proudly got an A+ in it in college!!!
. . . And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Have a loving, kind, wonderful day!!!

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